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Promod Live 2.11 EU

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  1. [TeK]uNbreak

    User deleted

    Download Promod LIVE 2.11 EU (European) here »


    Soften smoke edges (also known as r_zfeather) is back to being forced off

    Dead chat is no longer automatically handled in public-modes

    Promod will properly force player to reconnect to the server if “vid_restart” was called

    The “You killed…” text’s Y-position can be modified in devmap for movie-makers (see below)

    Removed player head-icons from Marines and SAS (stock bug, as opposing teams don’t have head-icons)

    Fixed planted/defused/destroyed announcer sounds

    Promod header will inform about the usage of knife round feature

    Specular effect on car-glasses made transparent

    Better overall handling of player status icons

    The bomb-briefcase is no longer visible in timeout or knife-round

    Ability to cancel timeouts by the caller (by calling another timeout)

    Ready-up hud will always display own status (important for shoutcasters)

    Shoutcaster will automatically follow another player when current player dies

    Shoutcasters have ability to spectate another shoutcaster when that shoutcaster is using follow-player-binds

    Full map restart is called when server admin changes game type and issues a fast restart

    Fixed a bug where a player could sprint longer after planting/defusing

    Ragdolls removed because of random behaviour

    Added an option for custom map developers to specify default sunlight (level.sunlight) in map script to correctly set with Promod “stock” sunlight option

    Strattime and knife round in public-modes are now working properly

    Scorebot improvements and fixes, see FAQ for comprehensive documentation

    Different game menu adjustments

    Dvar-monitor will now display both the old and the new value when change is detected

    Before a match starts, a list of dvar changes during ready-up mode is displayed

    Some additions to strictly forced server settings

    Fixed several issues with bomb-drop

    Added training-dummy feature for strat mode, which will only work on listen/local servers with PunkBuster turned off

    Added a record-menu which will popup once a player is ready, this menu can optionally be disabled in the quickmessage menu: B-4-5

    Added a sound notification to the last player to ready-up


    The promod_mode dvar follows a specific syntax. However the game accepts the bits between underscores ( _ ) in any order.

    match: standard match mode, conflicts with knockout mode. Round limit = mr#*2
    knockout: knockout match mode, conflicts with standard match mode. Score limit = mr#+1
    mr#: maxrounds – see above for use. Default is 10. Works only in Search & Destroy and Sabotage.
    lan: lan mode – g_antilag 0, PunkBuster messages turned off. Conflicts with pb mode.
    hc: hardcore mode (disables some HUD elements and reduces health level to 30).
    knife: knife round – adds a knife round and an extra ready-up mode to Search & Destroy matches.
    1v1/2v2: used for 1v1 and 2v2 matches, disables Demolitions and Sniper classes.
    pb: disables PunkBuster warnings for online modes. Conflicts with lan mode.

    For example promod_mode match_mr10_knife_pb will enable knife round and disable PunkBuster warnings in standard maxrounds 10 mode.

    There are also some other modes:


    The “ticker” is updating events every 10 seconds, each event is starting with a number from 0-9.
    Messages are delimited by the “SOH” character (start of header).
    To enable scorebot, add this line to the server-config:

    seta promod_enable_scorebot "1"

    Static info:

    attack_score “SOH” player_name “SOH” player_alive “SOH” player_kills “SOH” player_assists “SOH” player_deaths “SOH” player_bombcarrier
    defence_score “SOH” player_name “SOH” player_alive “SOH” player_kills “SOH” player_assists “SOH” player_deaths “SOH” player_bombcarrier

    Ticker events:

    “SOH” “round_winner” “SOH” winners “SOH” attack_score “SOH” defence_score
    “SOH” “map_complete” “SOH” “attack” “SOH” attack_score “SOH” “defence” “SOH” defence_score
    “SOH” “knife_round”
    “SOH” start_text “SOH” starting_round
    “SOH” “map” “SOH” mapname “SOH” gametype
    “SOH” “kill” “SOH” killer_name “SOH” weapon “SOH” killed_name “SOH” headshot
    “SOH” “assist_by” “SOH” player_name
    “SOH” rdy_text
    “SOH” “timeout_cancelled” “SOH” timeout_team “SOH” player_name
    “SOH” “timeout_called” “SOH” timeout_team “SOH” player_name
    “SOH” “captured” label “SOH” player_name //dom
    “SOH” “hq_captured” “SOH” player_name //hq
    “SOH” “hq_destroyed” “SOH” player_name //hq
    “SOH” “pickup_bomb” “SOH” player_name //sab, sd
    “SOH” “dropped_bomb” “SOH” player_name //sab, sd
    “SOH” “defused_by” “SOH” player_name //sab, sd
    “SOH” “bomb_exploded” //sab, sd

    < strong=""><>

    attack_score = score of the attacking side, integer
    defence_score = score of the defending side, integer
    player_name = name of the player
    player_alive = if player is alive, integer
    player_assists = number of assists, integer
    player_deaths = number of deaths, integer
    player_bombcarrier = if player is carrying bomb, integer
    winners = attack, defence or tie
    start_text = “1st_half_started”, “2nd_half_started”, “match_resumed” (from timeout), “round_start”
    starting_round = the round starting, integer
    mapname = the map name in “mp_” format
    gametype = the gametype in short format
    killer_name = the name of the killer
    weapon = weapon used by the killer
    killed_name = the name of the player who got killed
    headshot = if it was a headshot, integer
    rdy_text = 1st_half_ready_up, 2nd_half_ready_up, timeout_ready_up
    timeout_team = the team of the player who made a timeout
    label = A, B, C etc

    Broadcasted dvars:


    All these dvars are forced by Promod (automatically), make sure they stay untouched/within range to avoid being punished!
    Note that these does not apply to Shoutcasters.

    dynent_active 0
    rate 25000
    cg_nopredict 0
    sm_enable 0
    r_dlightLimit 0
    r_lodscalerigid 1
    r_lodscaleskinned 1
    r_filmtweakInvert 0
    r_zfeather 0
    cg_viewzsmoothingmin 1
    cg_viewzsmoothingmax 16
    cg_viewzsmoothingtime 0.1
    cg_huddamageiconheight 64
    cg_huddamageiconwidth 128
    cg_huddamageiconinscope 0
    cg_huddamageiconoffset 128
    cg_huddamageicontime 2000
    developer 0
    phys_gravity -800

    com_maxfps 40 – 250
    cl_maxpackets 60 – 100
    compassplayerwidth EQUAL TO compassplayerheight
    compassfriendlywidth EQUAL TO compassfriendlyheight

    There are some special dvars made to control hud-elements for demo/movie purposes.
    They will only work in maps loaded with cheats. Don’t forget the “set” prefix to add new dvars in the console.

    These include:

    promod_movie_hidescorebar // [0-1] (hides the mini-scorebar completely including timer)
    promod_centermessage_position // [x+-] (overrides default Y-position of the “You killed…” text)

    It is possible to bind these via the in-game menu (Controls – Multiplayer Controls…).
    Alternatively you can manually bind them in the console/config.

    bind [KEY] [COMMAND]


    openscriptmenu quickpromod assault
    openscriptmenu quickpromod specops
    openscriptmenu quickpromod demolitions
    openscriptmenu quickpromod sniper
    openscriptmenu quickpromod silencer //toggles silencer on/off on the primary weapon
    openscriptmenu quickpromod grenade //toggles between flash/smoke-grenade

    You can bind them via the in-game menu (Shoutcast Setup).
    Alternatively you can manually bind them in the console/config.

    bind [KEY] [COMMAND]


    openscriptmenu shoutcast_setup number
    openscriptmenu shoutcast_setup assault
    openscriptmenu shoutcast_setup specops
    openscriptmenu shoutcast_setup demolitions
    openscriptmenu shoutcast_setup sniper

    Number being 1-10 for players, it’s very easy to understand which player corresponds the correct number.
    1-5 symbolizes players on Attacking side from top to bottom looking at the Shoutcaster-bars.
    6-10 same goes here, players on Defending side.

    If you set the number higher than 10 (11+) you will be able to follow another Shoutcaster.
    This requires the Shoutcaster you want to follow was using the player-binds to follow that player.
    You will get a confirmation message which Shoutcaster you are following.

    Setting a class (lowercase) instead of a number will cycle through players using that class.

    In case Promod is throwing an error while playing on custom maps, make sure the IWD-files inside “usermaps/mapname” folder have the same map name in them.
    For example map “mp_dahman_b3″ contains a file called “mp_dahman_b3.iwd” and therefore it is not marked as a violation.

    The dvar fs_game “mods/promodlive211″ is forced for match-servers and do not rename any files or modify contents of them.
    However custom servers with skins etc. must use something else than “mods/promodlive211″ for example “mods/promodlive211_custom”, it’s not restricted and you are free to modify files as well.

    Included with Promod is two PunkBuster MD5 configs, “stock_iwd_md5.cfg” and “promod_iwd_md5.cfg” which you can put in the pb-folder on your server, it contains checksums for the stock IWD-files as well as Promod-IWD for use with PunkBuster MD5 facility to prevent custom skins and other forms of cheating and abusing and can be loaded in-game by typing “\rcon pb_sv_load stock_iwd_md5.cfg” and “\rcon pb_sv_load promod_iwd_md5.cfg”.

    In order to be automatically-executed, the list of checks needs to be included into the automatically-executed PunkBuster configuration files on your server (pbsv.cfg or pbsvuser.cfg):

    pb_sv_load stock_iwd_md5.cfg
    pb_sv_load promod_iwd_md5.cfg // match-server only

    In case your server doesn’t have any pbsv.cfg file, go in-game and type: “\rcon pb_sv_writecfg”. Depending on if your server is streaming to any third-party anti-cheat site(s) you may or may not already have a pbsvuser.cfg, if you don’t you can just copy all three files included to your server’s PB-folder, or if the file exist add above lines to it.

    We STRONGLY encourage use of these MD5-checks! (This goes for leagues as well!)

    Due to several game engine exploits, we recommend to specify the rcon-password in the command-line of your server. If this is not possible, rename the server-config to something other than server.cfg, which would make finding rcon password more difficult.

    On another note of security, the IWD-file “z_custom_ruleset.iwd” is now running integrity checks if server is running match-mode which means you have to decide whether the server should run “promod_mode custom_public” or not.
    If you later want to run match-modes you will have to use the original unmodified “z_custom_ruleset.iwd” supplied in this package. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
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